Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Welcome to My New Blog!

Welcome to TheAnticraft's blog. I'm a crafty individual who's creations don't always turn out as expected. But hey, the mistakes ARE the music, right?

Recently I learned about a wildlife sanctuary that's less than an hour away from my house. They need a huge amount of funding, since they take in lots of very large cats, including tigers, lions, jaguars, and mountain lions. I can't even imagine how much they spend just on meat. I wanted to help them out, so I adopted a beautiful tiger through them. But I wanted to do more, so I've created an etsy shop with the sole purpose of raising money for the sanctuary. Also, after seeing the Christian the lion video on youtube, I frankly became quite obsessed; I ordered the full-length movie on the internet (great movie), and read George Adamson's autobiography My Pride and Joy (excellent book).
My shop's profits will be split between the George Adamson Wildlife Protection Trust (ww.wildlifenow.com) to help animals that can be reintroduced into the wild and Bear Creek (www.bearcreeksanctuary.com) to help wild animals who will never make it back to their homelands.

1 comment:

  1. Fab idea! I didn't know there was a sanctuary so close by! I'll have to check it out.
